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时间 : 2023-03-16 21:15:15 来源:哔哩哔哩


今天,我们很高兴与大家分享,欧洲卡车模拟2 1.47版本更新开放测试现已可供体验与测试。如果你们计划参加这次的开放测试,我们恳请大家通过在我们官方论坛的指定版块内报告你们可能遇到的任何 BUG 以帮助我们。 




作为我们重访德国项目的一部分,我们的团队最近 从头开始对斯图加特、法兰克福、纽伦堡和爱尔福特等城市进行了彻底的重做。这包括地标、道路网络、行业等等! 



作为1.47 免费更新的一部分,我们真心希望您喜欢这些重做的城市,我们期待在未来为您带来更多关于我们重做项目的消息。 


大家准备好在欧洲卡车模拟2牵引属于你们自己的气体罐体拖挂了吗?正如我们在之前一篇文章中所介绍的,可拥有的气体罐体拖挂在本次版本更新到来!这些拖挂将具有多种长度、底盘和定制选项,专用于运输危险的、高度易燃的气体,例如乙烷、丙烷和 LPG(液化石油气)。 














在美洲卡车模拟中熟悉这类拖挂的玩家们也许会更早知道为何这项附加内容如此特别,为了让所有人都能了解清楚,简单来说,大家将可以在 ETS2 使用你们自己的拖挂运输家畜!除了具有不同的车体和底盘定制选项之外,下面是大家将能够调整的所有其他项目的详细列表:









自适应续航控制 & 紧急制动系统


伴随 ACC 一同到来的是紧急制动系统,它会在临近与前车发生碰撞时激活制动,从而避免或最小化损失。这项技术在现实中已经挽救了无数的生命,并已在大多数现代的卡车上配备。






延续我们之前在伊比利亚DLC中引入自定义城市介绍的更新,我们现在将这些过场动画扩展到 欧洲卡车模拟2的通往黑海之路DLC! 



重新设计生涯历程 UI 

此次版本更新还包含对生涯历程 UI 的翻新!对于不太熟悉这项功能的玩家,你们可以在美洲卡车模拟或欧洲卡车模拟2的主菜单访问该功能界面。其展示你们的经验历程与一些数据的图表。

这次新的重新设计将带来更加详细的数据与历史运输记录显示。UI 界面分别展示4个部分内容:运输、探索、驾驶员经验、处罚。每个部分均显示不同的统计数据,让大家可以更加深入地了解你们作物一名卡车驾驶员至今的历程,包括总运输、你们的过往运输评分、按时送达次数、地图扩展、访问的公司、卡车数据、探索发现。


我们还重新设计了运输日志,其清晰地显示你们的过往任务、货物、运输日期、收入、XP、花费的时间等。我们清楚这些统计数据是驾驶员们用以回顾运输的重要信息,尤其当你们是 VTC(虚拟货运公司)的一员时需要记录你们驾驶活动的过往任务。



我们现在为美洲卡车模拟与欧洲卡车模拟2均增加了一个新的 UI 界面,其将向玩家们显示重要更新的内容,或者展示新推出DLC的特色。












自适应续航控制 & 紧急制动系统


通往黑海之路 DLC 的自定义城市介绍




重新设计生涯历程 UI 



那么,去享受所有新的附加内容吧,但请留意:这仅为一次开放测试,而非一个稳定的公开版本 - 所以,你或许会遇到 BUG、不稳定现象,以及错误或崩溃情况。你大可等待最终正式版本推出。但如果你有兴趣帮助我们更快速地前进,我们将感谢所有你们在论坛上的反馈,以及在相应版块内提交的BUG 报告。

请查看我们的 modding 维基,获取关于适配 MOD 至新版本游戏的详细信息。

如果你希望参与开放测试,可在 Steam 上找到该版本的开放测试项。操作步骤:Steam 客户端 → 库 → 右键点击“Euro Truck Simulator 2” → 属性 → 测试版 → 请选择您想要参与的测试→ public_beta - Public Beta 1.47。无需任何密码。你可能需要重启 Steam 客户端以在此查看正确的测试分支。 

Euro Truck Simulator 2: 1.47 Open Beta

Today, we are happy to share with you that the 1.47 Open Beta branch for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is now available to try and test out. If you plan on participating in this Open Beta, we ask that you please help us by reporting any bugs you may encounter in the appropriate section(s) of our official forums.

Your feedback and reports are extremely valuable to our team and we thank you in advance for taking the time to help us out. So, without further ado, let's take a look at what the 1.47 Open Beta has in store.

Germany Rework

As part of our Revisiting Germany project, our team has recently reworked the cities of Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Nurnberg and Erfurt completely from the ground up. This includes landmarks, road networks, industries and so much more! 

For those who are new to our game, the Revisiting Germany project consists of a small dedicated map team, who has been working hard to update one of the oldest map sections of the base game to align with our current development standards. 

Each city which we have worked on in this update has its own dedicated blog, which we recommend going back and reading. Each one contains information unique to its project, and what changes you can expect to see in these areas. 

We really hope that you enjoy these reworked cities as part of the free 1.47 update and we look forward to bringing you more news in the future regarding our rework project. 

Ownable Gas Cisterns

Are you ready to haul your very own Gas Cisterns in Euro Truck Simulator 2? As we covered in a previous blog post, Ownable Gas Cisterns are available in this update! These trailers will come in a variety of lengths, chassis and customisation options. These cisterns are designed to transport dangerous and highly flammable gases such as Ethane, Propane and LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas).

However, please keep in mind, that as of now the in-game economy for these trailers and also the list of available cargoes for them are still in a work in progress state and are subject to change.

The Ownable Gas Cistern for Euro Truck Simulator 2 will be available in the most common trailer combinations found in Europe. This being the Single 2-axle 10 metre chassis with a 40m3 Gas Tank and single 3-axle 12 metre chassis with a 50m3 gas tank. Accessories included (but are not limited to):

Paintable/Chrome Boxes

Valve boxes with additional toolboxes, sideguards etc

Fire extinguishers

A variety of rear fenders and rear bumper lights

A variety of hoses 

A variety of trailer paintjobs 

and so much more!

We look forward to seeing you deliver with these new Ownable Gas Cisterns and how you will customize them. Be sure to share your first ride with them on our social media channels. 

Ownable Livestock Trailers

Gas cisterns are not the only new trailers in town, introducing purchasable livestock trailers!

Players familiar with this type of trailer in American Truck Simulator might already be a bit ahead in regards to what makes this addition so special, but to bring everyone up to speed, you will have an opportunity to transport cattle in your very own trailer ETS2! In addition to having different body and chassis customizations, here is a detailed list of everything else you will be able to tweak:

Left/right/front/rear body


Side protection plates/boxes

Rear fenders

Rear bumpers

Rear mudflaps

We can’t wait for you to start exploring the roads of Euro Truck Simulator 2 with the brand-new livestock trailer. You can read more about these unique trailers at our dedicated blogpost about the subject.

Adaptive Cruise Control & Emergency Braking System 

Released originally as a hidden experimental feature back in 1.44, we are glad to be able to bring this highly requested addition to the 1.47 update. Adaptive Cruise Control automatically adjusts the distance and speed from the vehicle in front when in cruise control mode. This is especially handy when encountering a busy highway, where you may find traffic often merging into a gap in front of you, or in situations where traffic speed is constantly changing. 

Coupled with ACC is the Emergency Braking System, which activates your brakes whenever a collision is imminent with the vehicle in front, to avoid or minimize damage. This technology in the real world has saved countless lives and is found in most modern trucks. 

These features have been in the works for a while, but it is still work in progress and we look forward to seeing how they perform during 1.47 Open Beta. Please share with us your feedback and comments on our official forums.

Random Road Bumps

We're excited to introduce Random Road Bumps into 1.47! These small bumps are procedurally generated to give the roads an imperfect feel to them. While they may not be visible to the driver, you will be able to feel these subtle bumps and in some cases hear them affect your vehicle whilst driving. 

We look forward to working on expanding this feature in the future, but for the time being, let us know your thoughts about it! Any comments or feedback can be made over on our official forums.  

Custom City Intros - Road to the Black Sea DLC

Carrying on from our previous update which introduced custom city intros in the Iberia DLC, we have now expanded these cutscenes to the Road to the Black DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2! 

These special cutscenes appear when a player selects a starting city when creating a new profile. We hope that new players (or those restarting a new profile) will enjoy these new additions, showcasing the area where you have chosen to begin! 

Let us know your thoughts and any feedback you may have at our official forums.

Career History UI Redesign 

This update also includes a refresh for the Career History UI! For those who are unfamiliar with this feature, you can access it via the main menu of American Truck Simulator or Euro Truck Simulator 2. It displays a graph of your experience progress and some statistics. 

This new redesign will now feature a much more detailed look into your statistics and previous deliveries. The UI now shows 4 sections which are: Deliveries, Exploration, Driver experiences, and Penalties. Each of these sections displays different statistics that give you a more in-depth review of your journey as a truck driver so far including total deliveries, your past delivery ratings, how many of your deliveries were on time, map exploration, companies visited, truck data and discoveries. 

We've also included a section that'll show what penalties you have received over the last 2 weeks of your career. We felt that little things such as hitting traffic signs or falling asleep at the wheel don't need to be on your permanent record. 

We've also redesigned your delivery log which shows clearly your previous jobs, your cargo, what day you made the delivery on, income, XP, time spent etc. We understand that these statistics are important for drivers to look back on, especially if you are part of a VTC where you may need to log your previous jobs for driver activity. 

We really hope you like this redesign, and we hope we can expand on it in the future. Let us know your feedback and comments by heading to our official forums.

In-Game Update Log

We've now added a new UI feature to both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator which will show users the changelog of a major update or showcase the featured DLC release. 

This will appear in the form of a pop-up either when you launch the game after an update or whilst in-game in the main menu if an update was made during your time on the road. Not only that, but you can also access a history of previous changelogs, in-case you missed out on several, and find all our official social media links.

We hope this helps you stays informed no matter where you are on the latest changes and updates made to our titles. 

Economy Reset Teleport

Whenever the player's economy is reset during a game load, it was the norm for you to be teleported to your HQ garage. Today we are happy to make a small change that will allow you to make the decision whether you want to teleported to your chosen HQ or a free quick travel to any service station of your choice. 


Several Cities in Germany Reworked

Random Road Bumps


Ownable Gas Cisterns

Ownable Livestock Trailers

Adaptive Cruise Control & Emergency Braking System 


Custom City Intros for Road to the Black Sea DLC

Addition of Sound Direction Filter

Performance Improvements (night, bad weather, dense traffic)


Career History UI Redesign 

In-Game Update Log

Economy Reset Teleport

So enjoy all the new additions, but please remember: It's only an open beta, not a stable public version - so you may encounter bugs, instability, or crashes. It's completely okay if you want to wait for the final release. But if you're interested in helping us to get there faster, we'll appreciate all of your feedback on our forum and your bug reports in this section.

Please check our modding wiki to get details pertaining to mods for the game.

If you wish to participate in the open beta, you can find this version in the public_beta branch on Steam. The way to access it is as follows: Steam client → LIBRARY → right-click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 → Properties → Betas tab → public_beta → 1.47. No password required. Sometimes you have to restart your Steam client to see the correct branch name there.
